Thanks for 10 years of wallhaven!

Posts: 106 · Views: 5673
  • 35057

    I recently moved over to Linux, and it sparked my passion for making my desktop my own again, had to setup and account here and get awesome wallpapers. I remember using this site about 10 years ago, before the enshittification of big corp had begun. Thanks for hosting this service, here's to another 10 years!

  • 35071

    Wow, time really flies by! It seems like only yesterday Wallbase has died... and then suddenly alpha version of wallhaven has appeared!

    Thank you for creating Wallhaven and keeping it alive and healthy for so long!

    PS: I remember AksumkA avatar being much more healthy as well back then xD

  • 35119

    You're welcome you really succeeded wallbase in a very big way, thanks for your contributions they're very much appreciated I'm one month late. but better late than never right? Edit: I just realized my account is one year younger than the website haha.

  • 35132

    10 years in decimal or binary? If it's the latter it's not much of an accomplishment.

  • 35163

    the best wallpaper website i have ever seen

  • 35224

    Congrats dev. Love the site and work you do.

  • 35225

    I discovered the site these days. I already like it so much. I dare say it's the best wallpaper site I know. Sorry for my bad English. Congratulations on the website!

  • 35246

    Congratulations and thank you.

  • 35385

    Thank you for creating and maintaining this incredible site for 10 years! I super love this site. I hope we can celebrate this site's 20th birthday in 10 years!

  • 35404

    Very nice place!! Thank you for great site.
