We're 5 years old!

Posts: 58 · Views: 10031
  • 18735

    This site has been around for half a decade. Pretty crazy.

    Five years is sort of one of those milestone anniversaries isn't it? Wish I could have had something better to mark the day. Better luck next time eh?

    In lieu of anything great, here's some news about the end of the alpha:

    I'm running out of things to do, so that means it's almost done. A small test site was made available to other devs and whoever saw me posting about it on our discord. Still planning on deleting everything mentioned in the previous post. But here it is again:

    • Users not active in the last two years will be deleted
    • Tags that contain no wallpapers will be deleted
    • Reported wallpapers will be deleted
    • User notifications will be deleted
    • Subscription notices older than three months will be deleted

    I'm heading off to Japan for a bit next month. I'd like to have the new site launched before that, but to be real, that probably won't happen. Also not looking at blowing up my vacation with issues that I know will pop up.

    As always, thanks for sticking by! Here's to at least another few years!

    Last updated
  • 18738

    its crazy how 5 years just fly over us... congrats to all the dev team, you all rocks!

    Pd: im here since wallbase exist and if my memory dont fail me, i was here when this site was born...


  • 18739

    I've only been here for 6 months, but I love it here ;)

  • 18744

    What can I say happy birthday wallhaven... Was a fan all the way back when wallbase still existed, and I love it here even more. Of course, i have to say a huge thank you to the developers and all of the staff that make this site as awesome as it is!

  • 18746

    Congrats!!! Best site ever :)

  • 18747

    Cant believe its already been 5 years. I remember being pretty bummed out when Wallbase shut down. Thanks for the hard work!

  • 18752

    5 years already, huh. Thats an odd feeling for sure.

    Enjoy your vacation man, you've earned it! :)

    Sneaky Edit: @CyberSickness said:

    Does this includes wallbase too?

    No. Wallbase started... uh, not sure exactly when actually. But it was some years before Wallhaven was even an idea.

  • 18759

    You have done incredible job of maintaining the site for half a decade.

  • 18765

    wait, what? really?

    far out that went quickly!! Top work from yourself and the team however!! thats an achievement/milestone! also, enjoy japan, its an amazing place to go.

  • 18768

    I've joined for more then a year and it has been awesome! Love the UI and everything about the wallhaven

  • 18769

    Hi, my name is kejsirajbek and I'm addicted to wallhaven since 25.8.2o14. No, I don't wanna quit, thanx. See ya :)

  • 18786

    Guess we will have to celebrate when the site is fully launched. Enjoy yourself.

  • 18805

    Best Wallpaper Site :D , congrats everyone.

  • 18864

    Congrats. Hope this site will be around for many more.

  • 18872

    The wallhaven has become a part of my life

  • 18878

    5 years, wow. I am grateful that this site exists, and I appreciate you and the other devs for it. Great work, please keep it up!
